Bob Hawke Takes Superannuation To The People

The recent passing of our late Prime Minister Bob Hawke has made many Australians reflect on the many ways Bob Hawke drove the Australian economy forward.  Bob Hawke’s government came into power in 1983 at which time superannuation was a word that was not even known by many Australians.  

Superannuation was very fragmented and the rules escaped the average Australian.  Superannuation was held by some of the professional bodies – and government institutions.

Many Australians in the 1980’s did not know what the word superannuation meant.

During the 1980’s many of our workers (in Australia), worked under awards.  The awards determined the conditions of employment including the wages paid and any rulings particular to that employment type.  For example there may be conditions around the length of hours you could work without a break.

Bob Hawke was all about fairness and fairness for the Australian worker.  His ability to reconcile business with unions made him a great man.  Everyone wants a win and Bob Hawke was a master negotiator. 

One of the great moments in Australian history has been the introduction of superannuation.  Superannuation has matured since its inception to what it is today.  Mr Bob Hawke was instrumental in the process and making superannuation something available to every working Australian.

During Hawke’s era – the role of super was seen to supplement the aged pension, with the intent that the aged pension would always be available to Australians.  We know now that superannuation has taken on a different role, as policies have changed around super and the regulations have been changed with each Government that succeeded Hawke.

The Bob Hawke regime was aware of the aging population in Australia and took steps to ensure that Australians of future generations would have sufficient funds, aside from the aged pension to provide for themselves during their retirement.

Mr Hawke was a man of vision.

Fast forward to 2019 and the word “superannuation or super” is a word that is bantered by all age groups. Salary sacrifice, self contributions, insurance on income through super, TPI and death insurance are discussed across all generations.

Superannuation is often an election issue and the regulations around super are modified to improve the scheme and meet the needs of the changing Australian households.

Early release of super is a provision allowable in certain circumstances.  The Australian Taxation Office will approve early access to super in certain situations. founded by Robert Rushford is a company that liaises with clients who require money from their super before the normal access age. understands the stress clients face when they require money and the money is not readily available.  

  • Release of superannuation for funeral expenses
  • Release of superannuation for compassionate grounds
  • Release of superannuation surgery
  • Release of superannuation for dental
  • Release of superannuation for IVF
  • Release of superannuation for drug or alcohol addiction
  • Release of superannuation for weight loss surgery
Release of superannuation for you or your family may be something you are not aware of.  It may be that having these funds released from your super when you really need the funds will mean more to you today than when you retire.

Robert Rushford of has seen the number of applications for early release of funds from super increase and is happy that as a business model his company is instrumental in helping those that need assistance.

The criteria laid down by the Government regulators is strict but fair. 

Working with to ascertain if you qualify for early access of superannuation will ensure you get advice and guidance from a company that cares. 

We hope Mr Hawke would approve.

Robert Rushford – 1300 941 037

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