Release Super for Gambling Addiction

Gambling can stimulate the brain much like drugs or alcohol, leading to addiction. If you have a problem with compulsive gambling, gambling addiction rehab is available for your addiction, you continually chase bets that lead to losses, hide your behaviour, use savings, create debt, even resort to theft or fraud to support your addiction.

Release My Super specialises in the release of super for treatment for gambling addiction.

We have access to medical specialists in psychiatry and general practice and can process your application quickly. You will require medical reports from a General Practitioner and Psychiatrist.

Let us help you understand the nature of your application to pay for drug rehab from superannuation savings.

You cannot use a psychologist or other specialist as your medical specialist as the ATO has assessed that applications under mental health now require a Psychiatric Report.

Release My Super can access medical specialists and assist in the process and guide you towards the release of super to access treatment facilities who specialise in gambling addiction rehab.  To discuss your needs, call us on 1300 941 037.

I Need treatment for Gambling Addiction

The ATO will release your superannuation on compassionate grounds if you meet the eligibility requirements of the compassionate ground you’re applying for and have not paid for the expense – they can only approve the compassionate release of superannuation to help you with unpaid expenses.

You will need to provide all required supporting evidence, including invoices or quotes for treatment.

For more information head to the ATO Website.

If you cannot afford to pay the expenses without accessing your super and you are a citizen or permanent resident of Australia or New Zealand you should qualify.

If you have already paid the expense using a loan, a credit card or money borrowed from family or friends, you do not meet the eligibility requirements.


Do I have a gambling problem?

How to pay for treatment

People with a gambling addiction can’t control their urge to gamble, even if they are losing a lot of money. They are willing to risk something of value in the hope that the return will be more valuable.

If you are addicted to gambling, the consequences can include financial losses, bankruptcy, losing a job, homelessness, mental health conditions and the breakdown of personal relationships.

Signs of out of control gambling include:

  • Missing money & valuables
  • Borrowing money & having loans
  • Unpaid bills, lack of food & household essentials
  • Withdrawing from family
  • Changes in mood & conflict with others
  • Feelings of helplessness, depression, & suicide
  • Absences from important events
  • work performance is affected

The first step to getting help for gambling is recognising the problem. Giving up gambling when you are deep into your addiction is very difficult. The good news is that there are treatment organisations who know your pain and have excellent programs to provide you with help.

Gambling addiction treatment programs are not a one-size-fits-all proposition; rather, you need to educate yourself on the options available to you and your family, so you can make the right decision that leads to the best outcome for everyone involved.

Access Super for Gambling Treatment 1300 090 261

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