I Don’t Know How To Beat My Habit

Sometimes it is hard to connect the dots.  Let’s face it, the public system is under pressure with funding not meeting the needs of those seeking help.   The wait lists are long and many struggling with alcohol, mental health or drug addiction cannot break the cycle.

How can I get into a private rehab facility?

In this blog we are discussing the process around gaining admission to private health rehab centres.  The public system works differently and is funded differently. When selecting a private facility for rehab ensure you have someone on your team to assist in the selection process.  The programs at the facilities differ.

Private Rehab Centres for Drugs and Alcohol / Mental Health

Each rehab centre has its own admission process, and the client will first contact the clinic to find out if the clinic is suitable.  It is mandatory that the client and the clinic are a good fit for each other. As part of the admission process the clinic will establish:-

  • If the client is suitable, not a threat to other clients at the clinic or to their staff
  • The clinic’s program will address and treat the client’s needs
  • Does the client need a detox?  Can the clinic do the detox?

The cost of private rehab

Costs vary from clinic to clinic.  The clinic will charge according to the services offered.  The more tailored the program the more expensive the program as a rule of thumb.

Do your homework

Ensure the style of clinic clicks with you. We all have “triggers” and it is important to look at the structure of the program, the rules of the clinic and the support given by the clinic, including after-care programs and follow ups.

How can I pay for rehab when I am broke?

The Government does allow for the release of superannuation to pay for mental health.  Addiction is wrapped up in mental health, so meets the conditions of release of money from super, under the Compassionate Release of Super Program.

The release of funds from superannuation must go into a program to address and treat the mental health or addiction of the applicant.  The money released cannot be used to pay down debt.  In special circumstances money can be released from a parent’s or partner’s superannuation.

How do I apply to have my super released?

Release My super specialises in these types of applications.  Requirements by the ATO for this type of application: –

  1. Specialist report (must be a psychiatrist for mental health)
  2. GP report (this report should be written by your treating GP)
  3. Quotes/Invoices

This scheme is referred to the Compassionate Release of Super.  The ATO has a service period of 14 days from receipt of the application, but normally this process moves much faster.  Once approved by the ATO, the funds will be released by the superfund. This requires proof of identification, letter from the ATO, (bank statement) and the super forms.

Will I be cured once I attend a program?

Recognising a problem is the first step. Taking action, the next step. It is important the program deals with the underlying issues as well as addressing the symptoms.

The time spent in therapy plays a massive part in a recovery.  In a perfect world, I would answer “yes”, but often rehab is the first part of the work ahead of you.  Once you leave rehab, life returns to your norm. Whether you are a son, daughter, mother or father, life has its pressures, and those pressures will still be there when you leave rehab.

Rehab gives you the tools and hopefully you stay in rehab long enough to begin to see and feel change. After you leave a program it is important to make changes in your life, which often includes staying away from those who want to draw you back into the life you want to leave.

Surround yourself with positive influences

The expression:- “birds of a feather flock together”.  Successful people surround themselves with positive, successful influences.  Reassessing your life often means taking a hard look at those you choose to “hang with”.

Make sure you have an anchor point when you leave a program and choose your company wisely.

Need help?  Contact Kathie 0475 471 872 from Release My super 1300 941 037

Article – worth a read

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