What is inpatient rehab?
Inpatient rehab is a program whereby the client lives at the facility. During the time at the facility the client has counselling and learns how to return from addiction. AOD or Alcohol and other drug addictions do not have to be a life sentence.
Programs at inpatient rehabilitation centres vary in length and approach. The cost of a program at an inpatient rehab clinic can range from around $15,000 to over $100,000 per month.
The difference in price relates to the services offered as part of the treatment, the number of clients at the facility at any one time and the type of accommodation.
Australia, Thailand and Indonesia have some excellent inpatient rehab programs.

How to choose a rehab facility
Whether you are looking for a facility for yourself or a loved one it is important to know the right questions to ask. It can become overwhelming with the choices available and whether the rehab facility will be the right choice.
Make a list of the questions you want answered and look at least 3 facilities. Speak to the owner of the clinic and ensure that person has the knowledge to answer your questions about the rehab program.
Questions you should consider asking about Residential Inpatient Rehab
- What type of treatment is available, for example 12 Step Program?
- Qualifications of the therapists?
- How many therapists to a client?
- How much time will you have with the counsellors?
- Are there any holistic elements to the program such as meditation, yoga?
- Is there a medical checkup on arrival and follow up medical checks?
- What is the accommodation, shared or private?
- Do you have access to your phone and computer during the program?
- What is the maximum number of clients at the clinic?
- What type of clients do you cater to, age group, male vs female?
- Will you have access to a gym, pool, and other physical activities?
- Will you be at the clinic for the full duration in an inpatient program or are outings scheduled?
- Do you have an accredited hospital at the clinic?
- Can I use my private health insurance for the hospital?
- What is the price of the inpatient rehab program?
- Is the program the same for everyone or is it developed for me as an individual?
- Does the clinic address dual diagnoses for addiction and mental health?

Inpatient Residential Rehab comes in different forms
- Private Residential In-patient Rehab Programs
- Hospital style Residential In-patient Rehab Programs
- Public Residential In-patient Rehab Programs
The approach to addiction rehab is not a one size fits all. It is important to ensure the program gives you as the client the best possible chance of recovery.

Paying for Inpatient Rehab Programs
Release My Super understands the importance of getting help. The public system is not available to many as the wait lists are exhaustive.
It can be difficult finding a way to pay for an inpatient rehabilitation program. Taking money from super to pay for mental health treatment and inpatient rehab alcohol and drug programs, may not be the perfect solution, but having a loved one slip away is unthinkable.
If you need assistance call Kathie Baker from Release My Super on 1300 941 037">1300 941 037 for a confidential chat about getting the help you or your loved one needs.
There is hope.