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Psychiatry and Release My Super

Psychiatry as an Essential Component in Drug and Alcohol Treatment

by Kathie Baker CEO, Release My Super 1300 090 261 | 0475 471 872

Release My Super specialise in the release of superannuation under the compassionate release of super program for drug and alcohol rehab, mental health treatment, gambling and IVF. 

I spoke to Craig Bilton, Program Director from Diamond Rehab in Thailand, about how his psychiatric team worked within their addiction treatment program and the benefits it offered.  Craig is a strong proponent of treatment through a holistic approach to maximise the chances of achieving successful recovery and life-long results. He says that, “drawing on proven, evidence-based research, our treatment methods encompass every aspect of health and well-being, ensuring your body, mind and spirit are prepared for a deep transformation”.

In the realm of overcoming substance abuse, the role of psychiatry as a complementary intervention cannot be understated. While traditional methods such as therapy, support groups, and detox programs are crucial components in drug and alcohol treatment, the integration of psychiatry can serve as a winning intervention that significantly enhances the effectiveness of overall treatment outcomes.

Understanding the Interplay: Psychiatry and Substance Abuse

Psychiatry, as a discipline focusing on the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mental disorders, has a pivotal role to play in drug and alcohol treatment. The co-occurrence of substance abuse and mental health disorders is a common phenomenon known as dual diagnosis. Individuals grappling with addiction often experience underlying mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, PTSD, or bipolar disorder. These co-occurring disorders create a complex interplay that can hinder recovery efforts if left unaddressed.

Diamond & Release My Super

The Benefits of Integrating Psychiatry into Treatment

  1. Comprehensive Assessment: Psychiatry brings a vital dimension to the treatment process by conducting thorough psychiatric evaluations to identify underlying mental health conditions. This assessment helps in developing personalized treatment plans tailored to address both substance abuse and mental health issues concurrently.
  2. Medication Management: Psychiatric medications can be a valuable tool in managing symptoms of mental health disorders, thereby alleviating the psychological distress that may trigger or exacerbate substance abuse. A psychiatrist can prescribe and monitor the use of medications as part of the treatment regimen.
  3. Therapeutic Support: Psychiatrists are trained in various therapeutic modalities that can be beneficial for individuals struggling with substance abuse. Techniques such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), and motivational interviewing can be integrated into treatment to address the root causes of addiction and promote sustainable recovery.
  4. Dual Focus on Recovery: By addressing both the substance use disorder and co-occurring mental health issues, psychiatry helps in fostering a holistic approach to treatment. This dual focus enhances the chances of long-term recovery success by equipping individuals with the tools to manage their mental health while overcoming addiction.

Collaborative Care: The Holistic Approach

When psychiatry is combined with other interventions such as counseling, group therapy, peer support, and lifestyle modifications, it forms a comprehensive and holistic treatment approach. Collaborative care involving psychiatrists, therapists, addiction specialists, and other healthcare professionals fosters a multidisciplinary team effort aimed at addressing the complex needs of individuals battling addiction and mental health disorders.


In conclusion, the integration of psychiatry into drug and alcohol treatment can indeed be a winning intervention when combined with other evidence-based practices. By recognizing the intricate relationship between substance abuse and mental health, and by providing tailored interventions that address both aspects concurrently, psychiatry plays a crucial role in promoting successful recovery outcomes. Embracing a holistic approach that leverages the expertise of psychiatrists alongside other treatment modalities is key to empowering individuals to reclaim their health, well-being, and sobriety.

Release My Super

The financial burden of major life health events can be overwhelming, whether it is caused by addiction or mental health, and the money you require for treatment may be available to you through the early release of superannuation.

Kathie Baker CEO Release My Super

Best wishes, Kathie Baker

Author: Kathie Baker, CEO Release My Super 1300 090 261 | 0475 471 872

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